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Assignment 6 Draft Senior Capstone Project

Assignment 6 Draft Senior Capstone Project

Q You will submit your draft Senior Capstone Project here to your instructor. You will post another copy of your project for your classmates in the discussion group to which you will be assigned by your instructor. Format and detailed content guidance for the projects can be found in the Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the Graded Interim Assignments document in our classroom under Content > Course Resources > Senior Capstone Project Toolkit. You also can use the grading rubrics associated with this assignment folder to help you develop your assignment. Draft Project Requirements Draft Project Audience In the first step of your Senior Capstone Project, you wrote a project proposal memo in which you described your target audience and some of the strategies you would use to interest and persuade them. In subsequent steps, you explained how you would research your topic, how you would gather primary data, the likely organization of your ideas, and how your work was progressing. In this step, your classmates will stand in for your target audience to assess whether your work is achieving your goals. This means you will have to introduce your project in a short discussion post that. • describes your intended audience; • explains the research question you were trying to investigate; • details your thesis or position statement; • informs your classmates about the decisions you made – or problems you’re having – on the content and structure of your project; and • solicit feedbacks for any specific improvements you might need to make If you accomplish the first four tasks, you will likely receive useful and engaged feedback from your audience. Remember that your classmates are • educated and intelligent • pressed for time • interested in valid findings or effective strategies To reach your audience in this presentation, remember that they are • educated and intelligent • pressed for time • interested in valid findings or effective strategies Submission Guidelines All drafts must be submitted in the appropriate group discussion area of the classroom so that they may be reviewed by your classmates, as well as in their assignment folder under Assignments so that they can be graded by your instructor. And all drafts must be accompanied by an introduction in the discussion post AND and at least three discussion questions for your audience (your classmates) to answer. You also may include issues that you are still working on and ask for feedback. The more specific you are in this post, the more likely you will get helpful advice. See the Effective Discussion Questions section here for complete details on how to handle this requirement. Draft Research and Business Reports For these Senior Capstone Projects, the draft project package should include • introductory explanatory remarks in the discussion post • at least three discussion questions in the discussion post • a completed draft of the report in an attachment to the discussion post Students who are completing project Options 1 and 2 (Research Reports and Business Reports/Proposals) should follow all instructions for their assignment stated in the Senior Capstone Project Options and Requirements guide under Content > Course Resources > Senior Capstone Project Toolkit. These drafts should be attached to discussion posts in the appropriate group discussion area as .doc, .docx, or .rtf documents (not in a .pdf, .Pages, .odt, Google Doc, or other format). They also must be submitted in one of these formats to the appropriate assignment folder under Assignments.

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This research report has been about the planning and proposal of the successful accomplishment and completion of research, analysis and inferences on the senior capstone project topic of empathizing with the audience while communicating sensibly and empathetically. There has been a thorough understanding developed about the ways in which Public Relations Specialists conduct themselves in the social media and in the overall external platform when the Public Relations Specialists come in contact with the members of the general public. Communicating with the external world and with the general public is something which is never easy to do when it comes to understanding and reading or analyzing the minds and the thoughts of the general public and the social media personnel is concerned.